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What is the design height and illuminance of LED street lights based on


The design height and illuminance of LED street lights […]

The design height and illuminance of LED street lights are based on: Urban Road Lighting Design Standard, national standard: CJJ45-2015. The difference between design height and illuminance are:

Design height: The design height of the lamp has a certain relationship with the width of the road, the arrangement of the lamps, the light distribution type of the lamps, and the distance between the lamps.



Design illuminance: Road lighting is divided into three categories, namely: motor vehicle lane lighting, intersection lighting, and sidewalk lighting. The design illuminance values of these three types of road lighting are different.

1. Weff means: effective road width.

2. The above-mentioned lamps refer to conventional lighting. The so-called conventional lighting is a pole with a lamp installation height below 15 meters.

3. Light-cutting type means: the angle between the maximum light intensity direction of the lamp and the downward vertical axis of the lamp is between 0-65 degrees.

4. Semi-cut light type means: the angle between the maximum light intensity direction of the lamp and the downward vertical axis of the lamp is between 0-75 degrees.

5. Non-cutting light type means: the maximum light intensity direction of the lamp is not restricted.